Welcome to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. The Eastern District of Virginia consists of four divisions: Alexandria, Newport News, Norfolk, and Richmond. CM/ECF announcements are posted on this page as they become available. You should book mark this page now and review this section periodically for current CM/ECF information.
CM/ECF Technical Failure Reported on April 19, 2021 Pursuant to the Technical Failures section found in VAED E-Filing Policies and Procedures Manual, Civil Federal Rule 6(a)(3), and Criminal Federal Rule 45; VAED filing deadlines will automatically be extended until April 20, 2021. |
March 21, 2019 Civil Returns of Service- Effective March 21, 2019 new procedures in regard to attorneys docketing civil returns of service take effect. Please follow the link below for procedures. Civil Returns of Service |
November 21, 2018 CM/ECF - Access to Case Information and Document by Third Party Services - CM/ECF filers should be aware of the potential to inadvertently share restricted documents when using third-party services or software. Sharing your CM/ECF or PACER account credentials with a third-party service provider or designating that provider as a secondary recipient of a Notice of Electronic Filing or Notice of Docket Activity (NEF/NDA) will give it access to case information and documents that should be accessible only to case participants. You are urged to use caution in your computer security practices to ensure that restricted documents to which you have access are not disclosed. Fee exempt users should not share the documents they obtain from PACER under the exemption, unless expressly authorized by the court. |
October 24, 2018 - Effective November 1, 2018 at 12 Noon, new procedures in regard to the electronic filing of civil cases take effect. Attorney Civil Case Opening Procedure |
March 30, 2017 - Notice to Attorneys re: Interpleader Funds in the Court Registry - Effective April 1, 2017, attorneys are required to use the filing event "Motion to Deposit Interpleader Funds (28 U.S.C. Section 1335)" to electronically file a motion to deposit interpleader funds into the court registry and attorneys are required to use the filing event "Motion for Disbursement of Interpleader Funds (28 U.S.C. Section 1335)" to request disbursement of interpleader funds from the court registry in accordance with the USDC EDVA Local Civil Rule 67. |
You will not receive Notices of Electronic Filing (NEFs) from our Court if your e-mail filtering software blocks transmission from our CM/ECF address: cmecf@vaed.uscourts.gov. We will turn off your electronic noticing until any filter blocking issue is resolved. |